

Date Title Contact Attach
2025학년도 1학기 탄소중립대학원 세미나 일정
2024학년도 1학기 탄소중립대학원 세미나 일정
2023학년도 2학기 탄소중립대학원 웨비나 일정
2022-11 23
(11.23.) Designing conjugated polymers for visible-light-driven photocatalysis
16:00 113동 B101호 변지혜 박사님 (한국과학기술연구원)
khcho@unist.ac.kr 첨부파일
2022-12 08
(12.08.) Resource Recovery from Water and Wastes: Grand Challenges and Opportunities for Circular Economy and Carbon Neutrality
11:00 ZOOM (ID: 994 4009 9798) Prof. Soryong Ryan Chae (University of Cincinnati)
Jinayoon@unist.ac.kr 첨부파일
2022-12 01
(12.01.) UK’s Netzero Strategy
11:00 ZOOM (ID: 994 4009 9798) Dr. Cindy Kim (British Embassy Seoul)
Jinayoon@unist.ac.kr 첨부파일
2022-11 24
(11.24.) Carbon Mineralization and Metal and REE Recovery
11:00 ZOOM (ID: 994 4009 9798) Prof. Ah-Hyung Alissa Park (Columbia University)
Jinayoon@unist.ac.kr 첨부파일
2022-11 18
(11.17.) Direct Air Capture (DAC) of CO2: Chemical Engineering’s Contribution to a Societal Grand Challenge
11:00 ZOOM (ID: 994 4009 9798) Prof. Christopher W. Jones (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Jinayoon@unist.ac.kr, minsun4567@unist.ac.kr 첨부파일
2022-11 10
(11.10.) Synthesis of Clean Hydrogen Fuel via Solar Water Splitting Cells
16:00 ZOOM (ID: 994 4009 9798) Prof. David Tilley (University of Zurich)
Jinayoon@unist.ac.kr, minsun4567@unist.ac.kr 첨부파일
2022-10 27
(10.27.) Photoelectrocatalytic Chemical Transformations for Lignin Depolymerization
11:00 ZOOM (ID: 994 4009 9798) Prof. Gyu Leem (State University of New York)
Jinayoon@unist.ac.kr, minsun4567@unist.ac.kr 첨부파일