2023.04.03JooHyeon HeoResearch Photodynamic Treatment of Acute Vascular Occlusion by Using Iron–nitrosyl Complex Their findings have been published in the March 2023 issue of Chem.
2023.03.30JooHyeon HeoNews UNIST Carbon Neutrality Demonstration and Research Center Signs Cooperation MoU with Carbon Value Co., Ltd. The signing ceremony of MoU between UNIST Carbon Neutrality Demonstration and Research Center and Carbon Value Co., Ltd. took place on March 30, 2023.
2023.03.23JooHyeon HeoNews UNIST Carbon Neutrality Demonstration and Research Center Signs Cooperation MoU with Hanwha Corp. The signing ceremony of MoU between UNIST Carbon Neutrality Demonstration and Research Center and Hanwha Corp. took place on March 22, 2023.
2023.03.16JooHyeon HeoResearch Carbon Capture and Liquefaction from Methane Steam Reforming Unit: 4E’s Analysis Their findings have been published in the February 2023 issue of Applied Energy.
2023.03.03JooHyeon HeoResearch Unveiling Hidden Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks Guided by Intuition-Based Geometrical Factors Their findings have been published in the February 2023 issue of Small.
2023.03.01JooHyeon HeoResearch Controlled Growth of Perovskite Layers with Volatile Alkylammonium Chlorides Their findings have been published in the February 2023 issue of Nature.
2023.02.23JooHyeon HeoResearch Materializing International Trade of Decarbonized H2 Through Optimization in Both Economic and Environmental Aspects Their findings have been published in the January 2023 issue of ASC Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
2023.02.21JooHyeon HeoResearch Immobilizing Low-Cost Metal Nitrides in Electrochemically Reconstructed PGM-Free Oxy- Surface for Exceptional OER Kinetics in AEM Water Electrolysis Their findings have been published in the December 2022 issue of Advanced Energy Materials.
2023.02.20JooHyeon HeoResearch Managerial Perspectives on Climate Change and Stock Price Crash Risk Their findings have been published in the February 2023 issue of Finance Research Letters.
2022.11.16JooHyeon HeoResearch UNIST Celebrates Researchers on Highly Cited Researchers 2022 List Ten UNIST researchers distinguished themselves with inclusion in the 2022 list of Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate Plc.